From 120 minutes (approx.)

Offered in: English

Capacity: 3-8 people

Place: Vrisnik, island Hvar, Household  „Terra Arhaica“

The experience includes:

•  Collection viewing with guidance from the host

•  Interactive participation of guests

•  Souvenir – Gift package of local products

•  Food tasting – traditional snacks and desserts


Homemade bread

Oil Tasting 2 types

Traditional fish snacks (3 kinds: salted sardines, dried fish, marinated fish etc)

Baked polenta seasoned with local herbs

Poured pie with local seasonal vegetables or traditional „Prisnac“

Zuchinni or eggplant meatballs

Side dishes:

Onions, fennel,sea fennel,capers, olives

Marinated or fresh vegetables

Sweets: „Hrustule“, „Paprenjok“, „Cviti“, Grape or fig cake


Back to the roots

Go on an adventure and jump into our time machine!

Look 200 years into the past and experience the spirit of old Dalmatia through the challenges and magic of island life.

Through 22 scenes


•  about the importance of the fire and fireplace

•  how our ancestors made bread under the peka - grind your own wheat

•  how to press the grapes, and turn juice into wine

•  how to beat the desmeza

•  how to mend a fisherman's net and familiarise yourself with their tools -

•  how to salt your own fish

Find out:

•  how the figs were dried

•  how to weave a sock, scarf or bracelet

•  how the clothes made from goat's hair feel

•  experience the skill of the cooper's craft for a moment

•  how to iron clothes with embers

Listen: to the story of Granny Vana and the life of auntie Rita

Feel: the scent of lavender, medicinal herbs of Hvar islandOr maybe you're brave enough to find out how fish oil smells?

Taste:The delicious symphony of fresh warm bread drizzled with olive oil and wine. Mix salted sardines with fresh tomatoes and zucchini.

Scoop the oil from the stone vessel..

Try out a combination of a farmer's and fisherman's brunch

Treat yourself with the traditional paprenjok cookie and find out its secret recipe.

Try to beat your kids in a long-forgotten game

Surely you'd like to know how our grandmothers were so strong?

That's it for now, we can't reveal everything... Visit us for the full experience with even more traditional content, activities and elements.



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